Absolutely Free Lottery Software, Free to use and Download
This is a list of free lottery software, all developed by the SamLotto lottery development team, which is completely free to use and download, and which can easily help you generate number combinations using Rundown strategies, and number combinations using Tic-Tac-Toe. these free lottery software are not online programs, need to be downloaded to your computer and installed to run, they support almost all Windows systems, and we guarantee that no information is collected from you!

Lotto Generator
Lotto Generator is a free lotto lottery full wheeling combination generator, supports almost all lotto lotteries, support pick 4,, pick 5, pick 6 and pick 7 numbers from 1-90 numbers. After selecting your favorite numbers, click to generate all combinations of these numbers, and if your chosen numbers contain all the lottery winning numbers, you will win the jackpot!
Pick34 Generator
Pick34 Generator is a free pick 3 pick 4 combination generator, supports all 3-digit and 4-digit lotteries, Support generating combinations by position and wheel combinations.
After selecting your favorite numbers, click to generate all combinations of these numbers, if your chosen numbers contain all the lottery winning numbers, you will win the jackpot! There is also a special function to generate combinations by sum value.

Rundown Generator
Rundown strategies can quickly generate the number combinations you want. With Rundown Generator, a free software, you no longer need paper, and spreadsheets, they are automatically generated with a click of the mouse, and it’s free. supports all 3-digit and 4-digit lotteries.
Tic-Tac-Toe Generator
Tic-Tac-Toe strategies can quickly generate the number combinations you want. With Tic-Tac-Toe Generator, a free software, you no longer need paper, and spreadsheets, they are automatically generated with a click of the mouse, and it’s free. supports all 3-digit lotteries.