Our lottery software provides historical draws AC value analysis charts and AC value filter. This article will tell you what is AC value and how to use it in filtering.
Table of Contents
What is AC Value
AC value called Arithmetic Complexity value is a value which is calculated to determine the variation of differences among all numbers in one lottery combination.
Analyze the AC value
Let’s first analyze the range of historical lottery data AC values.
Let’s start by analyzing the range of AC values for several of the most popular lottery game draws data.
According to our statistics, in the Pick 5 games, such as Mega Millions, Powerball, Lotto America, Cash4Life…, 85% – 95% of winning numbers are between AC value from 4 to 6.
Please see the chart below, we counted the 20 drawings winning numbers of Mega Millions from 9/25/2020 to 12/1/2020, the AC value of 2 occurred only once, 5%, and the AC value of 4-6 occurred 19 times, 95%.

We also analyzed the Pick 6 lottery, such as New York Lotto, Texas Lotto, Canadian 649, BC49, Tattslotto, SA Lotto…, 90% of winning numbers are between AC value from 7 to 10.
Please see the chart below, we counted the 20 drawings winning numbers of Texas Lotto from 9/26/2020 to 12/2/2020, the AC value of 6 occurred only once, 5%, and the AC value of 7-10 occurred 19 times, 95%.

Filtering Combinations Using AC Value
Through the above analysis, we know the higher the AC value, the higher the chances of winning the jackpot!
We can use this analysis data should be filtered to filter out those combinations that have little chance to save betting money.
Next, I will show how to use the AC value filter.
SamLotto lottery software provides AC value filter, determines AC value can occur in a combination, If the combination does not match the set conditions will be filtered out.
Let’s use Mega Millions as an example, Select 10 numbers first and then generate the complete combinations, total of 252 combinations were generated!

The following gif animation will demonstrate how to use the AC value filter.

First checked AC filter, then open the filter parameters window to modify it manually and open the analysis assistant. We can see that in the last 20 drawings, the AC value 2 occurred only 1 time, and the AC values 4-6 occurred 19 times, accounting for 95%, so we manually modify the filter parameters to 4-6.

After the filtering parameters are set, click the filter button to start filtering. In the filtering report, you can see that 22 bad combinations are filtered out.

Although the AC value can filter out some bad combinations, it is not enough, if you want to filter out more combinations you have to combine them with other filters, our lottery software offers over 50 base filters and 18 advanced filters, you can test them and find the right one for you.
If you are interested SamLotto & SamP3P4 lottery software you can download and use the free version, you can use most of the features and the statistical analysis module is completely free!