Sometimes we just want the number combinations or drawings results in a given position to be filtered, counted, or analyzed. SamLotto and SamP3P4 are All support this feature.
Set the Positions to Contain When Filtering
Default program includes numbers for all positions (Bonus numbers are not included if the lottery has Bonus numbers).
For example, in the screenshot below, I select position 1, position 2, position 3, position 4, and position 5 to participate in the filter, Position 6 is not selected (in the Powerball lottery position 6 is the Bonus number).

Set the Positions of the Filter Assistant Contain
Filters assistant contain positions and filtering contain positions should be selected in the same position when used, otherwise the bad combination cannot be filtered correctly.

Set the Positions of the Statistical Analysis Contain
In the statistical analysis of historical drawings results, you can freely choose which positions to analyze only and ignore the positions that are not selected.
For example, in the screenshot below, I select position 1, position 2, position 3, position 4, and position 5 to analyze and statistics, Position 6 is not selected. So the program only counts the numbers in the first 5 positions.

If you are interested in SamLotto & SamP3P4 lottery software you can download and use the free version, you can use most of the features and the statistical analysis module is completely free!